Personalised Electronic Homework Planner
Connect can be used to create and store homework tasks in a format that students enjoy working with. Parents can view outstanding assignments for all of their children alongside a history of punctuality and completion all in one place.
Parents and students don't need to hunt for tasks that have been assigned to them. The tasks shown are specific to the student.
Staff can choose to record grades from student submissions electronically if they want to keep a log of performance.
Simple or Creative Interactive Tasks
Teachers can either create quick homework tasks with just a title and description or they can add greater depth and create whole web pages with text, video, images, quizzes, Google Maps™, downloads, uploads and links to other resources.
As with other areas of Connect pages are simple to edit with drag and drop functionality as shown in the animation below.
SIMS Integration
As with all features of Connect, your teaching groups are always available to you with an easy to use selection tool. This enables you to choose individual students or entire groups to assign homework.
Homework tasks can be set in advance to help plan for known absences.
When marking homework, if a student has submitted their work late, teachers can see a record of the students' reasons for late submissions. This can be useful to spot patterns across multiple subjects and allow follow up action to take place to improve standards across the school.
Weekly Summary Email
Parents receive an automatic summary email detailing homework tasks set or handed in that week. This stops parents having to search for information and as a weekly email it doesn't clog up their inbox.
Teachers no longer have to wait until the next lesson to mark a batch of homework; Connect notifies teachers the moment a student has submitted a piece of homework in the style of a social networking site.
Homework can be reused between classes and teachers year on year and only tweaked if required.
Staff can save time by sharing homework tasks throughout departments; making time available for other teaching commitments.